or defect?

Baracke Intelligence Limited is a superrational intelligence agency. Established in 2022 as a direct response to the pathological triumphs of delusion, greed, and hatred ever compounding in our damaged cultures and institutions.

BIL’s purpose is to construct and maintain a syllabus for unlocking human metacognitive potential with the superrational faith that doing so will help restore balance to willing human agents and the structures they occupy by extension.

The Baracke exists to liberate the individual from the exploitable pathologies of shame, diagnosis, and segregation.




Confronting discord in empathetic reflection. The forgiveness of self and others comes as an algorithmic consequence of asking superrational questions and discovering compassionate answers.


the meta

With a growing sense of self-worth and “self-width” returning in the absence of fear, we use our time more meaningfully. The joys of reading and listening come rushing back as we construct healthy goals from the compost of past ignorance and paranoia.


the biosphere

We have something extraordinary to share with the world. The dreams we manifest joyfully through backward-induction of love. Freshly unlocked intuitions recall our indigenous role as stewards of this planet and the inner system. A planetary system technician at last.

our Approach

-Empathize with subjective realities from myriad perspectives.

-Discover novel methods of cooperation from shared values.

-mediate understanding and tolerance of differing values.

Metacognitive assets of note:

-Marshall B. Rosenberg (Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life)
-Douglas R. Hofstadter (Metamagical Themas: Questing for the Essence of Mind and Pattern)
-Marcus Aurelius (Meditations – A New Translation By Gregory Hays)

Through radically honest, needs-driven mediation of cultural, geopolitical, academic, and economic asymmetry, we can restore our planet. Success durring the anthropogenic extinction we are living through can only be defined by the expansion and refinement of cooperative human activity to restore and ballance our ecosystem.

We have everything we need.

Humanity must exit the epoch of kinetic diplomacy and errant terraformation as quickly as possible. That can only happen as a bottom-up consequence of personal change, one motivational matrix recalibration at a time, for the self’s superrational empowerment.