the director

“5. How to act:
Never under compulsion, out of selfishness, without forethought, with misgivings.
No surplus words or unnecessary actions.
Let the spirit in you represent a man, an adult, a citizen, a Roman, a ruler. Taking up his post like a soldier and patiently awaiting his recall from life. Needing no oath or witness.
Cheerfulness. Without requiring other people’s help. Or serenity supplied by others.
To stand up straight–not straightened.”

-Book 3: In Carnuntum, 5, Meditations – Marcus Aurelius

It takes a village to raise a child. It will require little more to restore the cognition of civilization.

My name is William Ashton Switzer. I was born in the spring of 1984 to psychologically traumatized parents, themselves the childhood victims of warfare, abuse, and a culture of silent subjugation. The rest of my story is, up for interpretation, it appears.


We, the superrational players of this planet, need you to engage with the silent suffering and familial warfare in your community at any level you can find a way to. We are embedded already; everywhere you go. We are in every cohort, congregation, and faculty on the planet. Indeed, by the strange description and logic of superrationality alone, we are even among symmetrically conscious alien beings yet to be discovered by humanity, on this planet or 
any other. If you begin to study and listen for superrational answers around you, you will quickly find us. We are in every culture, race, religion, army, agency, and government. We love to win games together and are okay with losing the odd time to keep us strong. Many of us have never even heard the word superrationality before nore could articulate its definition, yet we are by intuition and shared desires alone superrational.



The Baracke exists to reinforce the structures we house ourselves in at all levels. The chest that shelters your heart, the building or vehicle that shelters you and your family, the collected Biosphere in totality and the atmosphere that harbours us all; the Baracke exists to align these structures to serve sustainable life, natural law and to WIN the non-zero-sum games of consciousness, within and without.

I am devoting what remains of my life to upgrading and attenuating the material and cognitive structures we share to serve 
love and compassion best. In all things, a spectrum. In traversing a spectrum, liberation. If you suffer from having endured a secretive and abusive childhood and have yet to receive absolution, justice, or, most critically, an understanding of these tragic experiences designed to subjugate you to another will, I am here for you. I will help you build your ladder out, but you must be its maker.


Please think about how you might work peace and compassion into the hidden trench lines we are all collectively mired within—the trenches of greed, ignorance, and hatred cut deeply into our minds. The immature individual and immature institution alike require nonviolent attenuation to the needs of our planet if earth’s Biosphere is to survive this moment in history. We understand this intuitively as a consequence of “Fear” still having any power over our minds at all, propelling our science and discovery the way that it does. So a superrational answer for our time may be first to align our fears and then master them all together.


That shiver, that terse dismissive thought, that defensive chuckle that hunts my words for the dismissible; that is the cry of a hungry collective psychic beast that wants to keep you for itself. It wants you isolated from understanding; the Egregor of all Fears. It is in constant communication with you, and you must learn to listen to it, and to master its threat against us. By listening, without reacting. It cannot force your will unless you allow it.



Despite your temporary subjugation to fear, I need you to be a spy for LOVE from whatever perfect occupational and situational cover you find yourself living in right now. Whoever you are, whatever it is you do, superrationality is the master key to your situational salvation at every level of the onion. We are here for you. You are not alone. We want the best outcome for you, just as you do. If you can find a way to desire the best outcome for us and you, then you will become superrational. The more superrational players on the board, the easier the wins become. A compounding strategy.


Spontaneous love erupts from a well of chaos and fear at *just* the right moment to save us all; every atomic launch commander who shrugged their directive to spare us—an epic tale as old as time, the story of our lives’ most critical climaxes when we defy our fears and cooperate with love. We need you aware and working as an integral part of the liberation cascade you no doubt suspect around you now. War is no longer “inevitable” for humans because we have seen the edges of the earth, ourselves, and our time. War is just another structure we have built to serve a purpose. It can and must be attenuated to serve our Biosphere, or we will perish. We can war against our own self-destruction and, when we win, find almost no need for it in the wake of our last victory. Our prize?
The Human Pax Aeternum.
Entry to the stars.


We can put war on a shelf, like a portrait of a painful memory, each of us. War with ourselves, our families, our communities, and even our nations and corporations. See that the Biosphere is dying; know this means that you and everything you love is dying also. Then shed your fear of death like the primordial cacoon holding you back that it is. Act as a free agent incapable of succumbing to material pressure and influence. Become incorruptible so you may use your power and position wherever you are to serve our planet; our mother. The only mother we ALL share who is dying from our species defections against her.


Pick up this asklepian that I am dropping at your feet. Find your will. It is only a matter of asking better questions and having the courage to learn the pieces of the metacognitive puzzle you do not yet understand. You can do this. As a neurodivergent man with a history of traumatic brain injury and numerous concussions, I can promise you that none of this is beyond your comprehension at the heart level, at least. Liberation requires only the will to seek it.


the Messenger-J♣️
Whoever you are, I want to empathize with your situation so we may align our paths to these symmetric dreams of self and environmental mastery. The story of how you got to where you are right now can tell us everything we need to forgive any ignorance, mistake, or misgiving—a bold proposition that has yet to fail me under extreme pressure and testing. Contrition and forgiveness work as a heat pump which can carry your heart out of any hell. Everyone has access to this pump of compassion no matter what you have done, and if utilized correctly, it will bring you back to the surface, and further. I don’t even know your story yet, but I know where it can lead you in all directions once I hear it. I would only need to speak with you about it openly and honestly, without the need of deception or concealment.


the Boss-Q♠️
And so can you. You can do what I have done, and speak with yourself about it, where no one can hear—the small, silent you who wants to return to the surface and abandon the shackles of fear. The exercise of forgiveness and contrition, from minor squabbles between lovers to horrific crimes against humanity, is the only practice that does not result in more cyclical suffering and carnage. The intuitive nature of shared suffering and compassion amounts to spiritual warfare. You must find the power to choose HOPE in your darkest moments. The power to find FAITH in your ability to anticipate human behaviour and navigate your fate despite the tremendous pressure of hard determinism surrounding you. These are the tragedies and triumphs of a being of great agency; you.


the Obedient-K♥️
I hope you find the courage to connect or reconnect with me someday before I die so we can speak genuinely, finally, about us. If no one else says it to you today, I love you. I will take you as you are. You are no enemy of mine. You are my celestial sibling, and I want the very best outcome possible for us both-always.


William Ashton Switzer – Director

Baracke Intelligence Limited

Victoria Commissa Omnibus